Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Mother Nature granted us the opportunity  for 12.5 inches of rain since Monday night.  Bunkers are a little washed and the course might be a little wet over the next couple days.....

But the Better Billy Bunkers did well......

Thursday, September 15, 2016


We tried a new process this year will keep organic matter under control and promote a speedy recovery.


The greens have had a long summer with multiple events.  They are loving the cooler nights and short days!

We try to stay consistent with mowing height, green speed and firmness throughout the entire year and tried to do that through a very tough summer.

Through the next couple of weeks we will be recovering from aerification, sodding the weak areas and letting the greens grow in.  

As part of this process we will be pushing the greens with fertility that will increase growth.  This process will cause a vibrant  lead blade that will slow down green speeds.  This should be short lived and we hope you understand our process will promote a great fall golfing season.